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Class Schedule

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Summer Schedule

The studio will be closed 11th, 12th and 15th July (inclusive)

Yoga for the Special Child® with Blanche Thompson

As well as regular yoga and mindfulness classes Santosha Yoga Studio also offers a unique therapeutic yoga method that has helped children with special needs across the world. The program was created and pioneered by Sonia Sumar who had a daughter with special needs herself.


Sonia put together this method in order to help and enhance the natural development of her own daughter and consequently help other children with special needs. Sumar has been teaching this method for over 40 years and her work has received worldwide recognition as the best yoga therapy for children with special needs.


A yoga therapy session includes singing, eye exercises, breathing, asanas and relaxation. The sessions last between 30-60 minutes.


Blanche has experience of working with children for over 30 years and has been teaching yoga for children for seven years. She is the only licensed yoga practitioner in northern Ireland who delivers the Sonia Sumar method. She has experience of working with children and adults with specific needs including Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, ADHD, Multiple Sclerosis, Cri Du Chat, Brittle Bone, Anxiety, Fibromyalgia, Epilepsy, working with adults with learning disabilities and she also teaches in a mental health unit.

If you would like to book a one to one session for you and your child(ren) call Blanche directly on 07546 339830 or e mail 


For further information on the Sonia Sumar method -

Hypno Yoga For Birth


This intimate, supportive class is a unique amalgam of hypno-therapeutic techniques, Yoga breathing and “Flowing Yoga”. It will deeply nourish the pregnant mother and baby during the journey of pregnancy and birth. These empowering and nurturing practices will help the mother to be to feel more focused, confident and calm.

Each class will begin with fun, flowing Yoga practices (asanas) which will help to melt physical tensions, allowing the birthing muscles to be relaxed, as nature intended.  Gentle Yoga sequences will also promote the flow of more vital energy around the mother and baby.

Yoga breathing (pranayama) is also taught as it is a powerful key to relaxation. These gentle but profound breathing practices will help to soothe the nervous systems of both mother and baby, promoting a more tranquil journey through pregnancy and birth.

Hypno-therapeutic practices (deep relaxation, self-hypnosis and visualisations) will be the core focus and support of the class. These practices will enhance the pregnant mother’s ability to create a space of comfort for herself and the baby/babies.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy and birth make women more naturally receptive to self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis is a completely natural state of absorption or focussed attention. It opens the mother to the transformative power of creative visualisations, new perspectives and positive change. Everyone responds uniquely to hypnosis, but most women describe the experience as deeply relaxing and nurturing.

It is important to be assured that during self-hypnosis and deep relaxation the mother will be totally in control and actively engaged at all time.


Research has shown that this use of self-hypnosis reduces the length of time for active labour for first-time mothers and significantly reduces the need for pain relief. It also promotes more spontaneous deliveries and reduces the incidence of post- natal depression. Anxieties and fears from past birth trauma can also be positively addressed and overcome. Hypno-Yoga is a wonderful innovative way to promote a more natural, positive birth experience.

‘Hypnosis is the only no- risk painkiller’. (Dr Anna Zohrabian and Dr Rumi Peynovska)

Benefits of Hypno - Yoga for Birth:

· Provides more confidence to have a positive birth experience.

· Can help to clear trauma around previous negative birth experiences.

· Self-hypnosis teaches the art of entering a state of calm relaxation.

· Prepares mind and body by using personal visualisations to aid labour and delivery.

· Increases the ability to relax mentally and physically.

· Can shorten labour times.

· Promotes a calmer, more accepting and empowered mental state.

· Reduces incidence of post-natal depression.

· Helps to promote bonding

· Encourages a calmer, better adjusted baby, who feeds and sleeps better


Pregnancy yoga is taught by Gill Henderson who has  pioneered Pregnancy Yoga in Northern Ireland since 2003 , having trained with Birthlight Perinatal Yoga in London under Dr Francoise Freedman and Uma Dinsmore Tuli. She has taught it at Santosha Yoga Studio since 2004. She also teaches the Post - Natal & Baby yoga and Hypno Yoga for Birth class, immeasurably enriching what she offers as a widely experienced Pregnancy Yoga teacher.  


These classes will be 1 hour in duration. 


If you would like further information or would like to secure a place E mail or phone 028 92 63 44 64 

Yoga For Pregnancy

Pregnancy ( Pre-natal ) Yoga is aimed at expectant Mums from 14 - 40 weeks. These classes are extremely popular here in the Studio and help prepare Mum for the physical demands of labour, birth and motherhood. No previous yoga experience necessary!

The various yoga poses are carefully adapted and modified for the changing needs of an expectant woman and through their practice you can

  • Gently stretch and tone the body

  • Relieve back ache and minor ailments  

  • Improve your sense of balance  

  • Promote improved circulation

  • Promote bonding between Mum and baby


Pregnancy is a time of tremendous change of course - physically, mentally, hormonally and emotionally. Through your practice of various breathing techniques you can learn to:


  • Calm and quieten the mind allowing you to remain focused and in control as you prepare for your new arrival - just when you need it most!  

  • Give Mum a confidence boost and a sense of empowerment that she needs at this challenging time

  • Help with pain relief / management during labour


Pregnancy yoga is taught by Gill Henderson who has pioneered these classes in Northern Ireland since 2003 , having trained with Birthlight Perinatal Yoga in London under Dr Francoise Freedman and Uma Dinsmore Tuli. She has taught it at Santosha Yoga Studio since 2004. She also teaches the Post - Natal & Baby yoga and Hypno Yoga for Birth class, immeasurably enriching what she offers as a widely experienced Pregnancy Yoga teacher.   

These classes are delivered in a friendly setting where common problems and issues can be discussed. They also act as a support network for expectant Mums and the regular updates on 'baby news' - the all important news of, 'what did she have?' and 'what weight was he / she?' - form an integral part of the classes.

Classes are 1 1/2 hours in duration.

Classes are taught mainly in courses which are booked in advance. As demand for our courses is high and places are limited it`s best to book in advance  as it would be disappointing to be turned away.

If you would like further information or would like to secure a place E mail or phone 028 92 63 44 64 

Post-Natal and Baby Yoga

These classes are a great way for new Mums and Babies to get to know and support each other. Open to new Mums and Babies from 4 weeks to crawling you will practice together and help establish and sustain that loving bond that you will no doubt be feeling. After the demands of child-birth the classes offer Mum an opportunity to:

  • Regain some of that lost energy and reclaim your body

  • Help strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor

  • Release tension and tightness of the neck and shoulders

  • Re-build lost endurance levels as well as strengthening the tummy muscles  

  • An improvement in all of these things will of course help boost depleted energy levels and reduce fatigue!


The benefits for Baby are many and varied as well of course. The class can help in numerous ways:

  • Allow baby to stretch out after being restricted within the womb

  • A focused sense of touch and contact helps enhance the interaction between Mum and Baby

  • Gives Mum increased confidence in handling her new born

  • Promote improved and increased mobility of the joints

  • Help relieve constipation

  • Reduce colic

The use of music, songs and rhymes ensure that the classes are both fun and stimulating!


The practice of yoga nidra ( relaxation ) promotes a very real sense of calmness, allowing Mum to let go of unwanted tension and anxiety. Mum can then transmit this sense of security to baby and very often by the end of the class many babies are sound asleep!


The balance of activity and relaxation complement each other perfectly and this leads to a more settled and contented baby. As parents we all know how important establishing a good sleeping pattern is - for both Baby and Mum!!


There is of course the social element to your class. You have the opportunity to catch up with new Mums who you may have previously met in your pre-natal class only this time with baby in tow! Old friendships are renewed and new ones made and with an extensive range of cafes in the immediate area there is an opportunity for something to eat, have a chat and catch-up over a cup of tea or coffee.

The class is taught by Gill Henderson , who has been teaching it at Santosha Yoga Studio since 2005, having trained in Postnatal, Baby  and Smart toddler Yoga with Birthlight. She is also an IAIM (International Association of Infant Massage) Instructor since 2009. She also teaches Pregnancy Yoga  at Santosha Yoga Studio ( since 2004)  pioneering it in Northern Ireland since 2003. She trained with Birthlight  in Perinatal Yoga in London under Dr Francoise Freedman and Uma Dinsmore Tuli. She also teaches the Hypno Yoga for Birth class, immeasurably enriching what she offers as a widely experienced Pregnancy Yoga teacher.   




If you would like to book on to the Post - Natal & Baby Yoga class or require further information E mail or  phone 028 92 63 44 64

Beginners Yoga

Lasting approximately 1 1/2 hours the Beginners yoga classes will be the first stop for anyone new to Yoga. At these classes you will learn about the various practices of yoga including  asana (posture), pranayama (breathing), and yoga nidra (relaxation).

These three elements will form the basic content of the class and the teacher will fully explain all of the practices.

You will gently stretch and tone the body, easing out aches and pains and progressively build strength and stamina.

Remember - the classes are for beginners so there is no need to have any previous experience at all!

As we are a full-time Yoga Studio we offer a number of beginners classes. If you are somewhat unsure or perhaps even feeling a little nervous please be assured that you will be welcomed with warmth by the class teacher. We recognize that starting something new can be a challenge and your teacher will help guide, support and encourage you in your efforts!  The classes are aimed at beginners level on a continuous basis so it's simply a question of finding which class suits your schedule.

NO NEED TO PRE - BOOK! - come along a few minutes before the class start time to allow you to get settled.  

You can then allow the stresses, strains and demands of the day to drift off as you invest a small part of the day in your own physical, mental and emotional well - being!

If you require further information Email or call 028 92 63 44 64

Yoga for Mixed Ability

The mixed ability classes are aimed at those students who have developed some competence in the various yoga practices and would like to consolidate and progress their practice.

Teachers will develop poses already learnt in the beginners classes, introduce new ones, and offer modifications and variations of the many yoga asana ( poses ) where necessary.

The emphasis, as always, is working at a level that feels comfortable for you!

The broad range of classes and teachers ensure that you have a wide variety to choose from. Students are encouraged to attend different classes as a means of further exploration and personal development. These classes give you an oportunity to further develop your practice. As yoga is totally non-competitive you can move between different classes and teachers to find a level that feels right for you. It is one of the many strengths of the Studio that we are able to offer our students an extensive and comprehensive range of classes so use it to benefit your practice!

If you would like further information E mail or phone 028 92 63 44 64


In the Intermediate class students will already be proficient in many of the yoga poses and have a good working knowledge of yoga asana, pranayama and other practices.

These classes work students at a much stronger level, holding poses for longer as well as working on and towards more difficult poses challenging students as they seek to develop their asana practice. This class is not suitable for new students to yoga.

Yoga, by its very essence cultivates a sense of self - enquiry, and it is in this process of self - enquiry that we develop an appreciation of our own bodies, its limitations and its potential. The class, while strong, encourages the process of self - enquiry and through the use of props students can gain a more comprehensive understanding of some of the more challenging asanas ( poses ).

If you would like to progress your practice come along to the Thursday night ( 7pm ) class with an open mind and a can do attitude!

If you would like further information E mail or Phone 028 92 63 44 64


Jivamukti Yoga Is A Rigorous Hatha-Vinyasa Practice Which Includes Asana Practice (Poses), Breath Awareness, Pranayama, Meditation, Chanting, And Deep Relaxation.  It Combines Hands-On-Assists And Savasana Massages To Guide You Deeper Into Your Personal Practice (Sadhana).


Developed in 1984 by Sharon Gannon and David Life, Jivamukti Yoga follows five central tenets to give a modern integrated approach to the ancient art of yoga:  Ahimsa (Non-violence), Bhakti (Devotion), Dhyana (Meditation), Nada (Sound), and Shastra (Scriptures).  We offer classes suitable for all levels, and teachings are drawn from Jivamukti’s Focus of the Month.

 Here in the Studio we have both a Fundamentals ( Beginners ) class and an Open ( Mixed Ability ) class.  


Jivamukti Fundamentals - Beginners

This class is ideal for beginners or students wishing to refine their practice, students are taught “how to do” asanas through the use of props and partner exercises.  The Fundamentals class provides the underlying structure to help a student be able to eventually enter into an Open class intelligently and safely.  The Jivamukti Fundamentals class focuses on a different theme each week, so come along and learn how to develop a yoga practice.

Week 1: Standing Asanas
Week 2: Forward Bending
Week 3: Back Bending
Week 4: Inversions, Meditation, and 'Putting It All Together


Jivamukti Open - Mixed Ability

The Open class is a dynamic intermediate Hatha-Vinyasa class. You work at your own pace, following the teacher’s verbal as well as hands-on guidance. Classes work through intelligent sequences designed to prepare the body for a peak pose.  

Classes flow through a warm-up, sun salutations, and challenging vinyasa sequences to develop strength, flexibility, awareness, and coordination. Classes may include pranayama, meditation, chanting, and yoga philosophy to give students an immersive experience.  Options will be provided for beginners, intermediate, and advanced students. 

Click here to make an enquiry


The Ashtanga system of yoga begins wih the practice of the 'primary series'. This 'flow based' dynamic system of yoga will quickly build strength, stamina and flexibility.

It's benefits include freeing the body from 'dis - ease', making it strong and light while preparing the body for the more meditative limbs of yoga practice on the path to Samadhi ( realization ). Mental and emotional tension are released allowing you to connect to your true self as layers of old and preconceived conditioning are removed.

As the class is structured on a fixed sequence basis the student works at a level appropriate for them. Yoga is totally non - competitive and seeks to tap into the immense reservoir of potential that resides within us all. This sense of being and feeling 'connected' cultivates and promotes an 'awareness' that allows us to live a life infused with a joy for living. 

No previous experience of Ashtanga yoga is necessary although a good basic knowledge of various yoga asana is required. The class follows a fixed sequence which stretches all of the body. Focus is placed on awareness of the breath ( using Ujjayi ) and focus / gaze ( drishti ) as a means of concentrating awareness and intensifying your practice.

Heat builds quickly in the body and through perspiration toxins are released, cleansing the body of impurities leaving you feeling refreshed and energized!  

If you would like further information Email or phone 028 92 63 44 64

Candle Lit Yin Yoga

Our Candlelit Yin yoga class adopts a passive approach to yoga where you perform the majority of the poses seated on the floor or lying down. The poses are held for longer periods of time, sometimes 3 - 5 minutes and and longer.

Yin yoga offers deeper access to the body targeting our connective tissues, fascia and ligaments with the aim of lubricating and protecting our joints. These are areas of the body often not reached with a typical yang style of yoga practice or fitness regime.

If you would like further information Email or phone 028 92 63 44 64



New Yoga & Mindfulness Classes For Kids

Calm, Confident, Connected Kids at Santosha

Kids, like adults, face the stresses of a modern world and can feel out of touch with themselves physically, mentally and emotionally. This can lead to poor sleep, poor academic work, loss of confidence and either extreme hyperactivity or listlessness, depending on the child.

In our yoga for kids classes we use mindfulness techniques to engage the children in the process of learning more about themselves mentally and physically. We play games, practice breathing exercises and work to understand ourselves and the world around us.

Children are naturally curious at heart and these classes will endeavour to harness their curious nature by encouraging self - expression whilst teaching them to self regulate, choose wisely and respect the needs of their peers.

These classes are delivered by Aisling Graham who has and continues to work with children in schools, yoga studios, in the community and she also offers one to one yoga therapy sessions.

To book your place please contact Aisling directly on 07753 323 534 or e mail


For Ages 4 – 12 years old

DATE: 1st May 

DAY & TIME: Wednesday 5 -6pm

COST: £48 for a 6 week block

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