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On this International Women`s Day let`s celebrate.....

....the Divine Feminine Power of Kundalini Shakti Energy

At the base of the spine lies a potent spiritual force, coiled and waiting to be awakened. This primal energy, known as Kundalini Shakti, represents the supreme expression of the divine feminine principle that resides within each human being. Far more than merely a concept in yogic tradition, Kundalini Shakti embodies the very essence of the primordial fe

The Sacred Feminine Origins

In Sanskrit, 'Shakti' directly translates to 'power' or 'empowerment' and represents the primordial cosmic energy that manifests as the dynamic feminine principle of the universe. While the masculine principle (Shiva) represents consciousness in its pure, unmanifested form, it is Shakti—the divine feminine—that provides the active power through which the universe comes into being. This relationship mirrors ancient wisdom found across cultures regarding the complementary nature of masculine and feminine energies.

Kundalini Shakti is often symbolised as a sleeping serpent goddess, coiled three-and-a-half times at the base of the spine in the muladhara (root) chakra. This serpentine imagery connects to worldwide archetypes of the feminine divine—from Wadjet of ancient Egypt to the Minoan snake goddesses—all representing wisdom, transformation, and regenerative power.

In the tantric traditions that emerged around 1000 CE, though referenced in texts dating back much earlier, Kundalini was venerated as the embodiment of the Goddess herself, dwelling within human form. These traditions honoured the feminine not as secondary or subordinate, but as the primary creative force of existence.

The Feminine Life Force Within

The subtle energy system through which Kundalini Shakti operates reveals the profound intelligence of this feminine power:

  • Nadis: The network of energy channels (traditionally numbered at 72,000) resembles the intricate patterns of mycelium networks or neural pathways, demonstrating the interconnected web-like nature associated with feminine wisdom traditions.

  • The Three Primary Nadis:

    1. Sushumna: The central channel along the spine

    2. Ida: The left channel, explicitly associated with feminine, lunar, cooling energy

    3. Pingala: The right channel, associated with masculine, solar, heating energy

These energetic pathways illustrate how the feminine and masculine polarities must be brought into balance for the ascension of Kundalini.

  • Chakras: The seven primary energy centres align with the sushumna nadi, each holding different aspects of consciousness. Notably, several chakras connect directly with feminine principles:

    • Svadhisthana (Sacral): Associated with the womb, creativity, pleasure, and the waters of life

    • Anahata (Heart): The centre of compassion, nurturing, and unconditional love

    • Vishuddha (Throat): Connected to authentic voice and expression, historically suppressed in women across cultures.

The Awakening of the Goddess Within

The awakening of Kundalini represents the arousal of the inner goddess from her slumber. As she rises through the chakras, she brings distinct feminine qualities to each energy centre:

  1. Muladhara (Root): Here she begins as the earthly goddess, connected to the elements and physical form, bestowing grounding and stability.

  2. Svadhisthana (Sacral): She emerges as the sensual goddess, awakening creative forces, emotional fluidity, and the waters of life and fertility.

  3. Manipura (Solar Plexus): She transforms into the fiery goddess of willpower and personal sovereignty, transmuting old patterns and conferring self-determination.

  4. Anahata (Heart): She blossoms as the goddess of unconditional love and compassion, healing relational wounds and integrating polarities.

  5. Vishuddha (Throat): She speaks as the goddess of truth and authentic expression, giving voice to long-silenced wisdom.

  6. Ajna (Third Eye): She sees as the goddess of intuition and inner vision, transcending rational limitations to access deeper knowing.

  7. Sahasrara (Crown): She unites as the cosmic goddess, dissolving individual consciousness into universal awareness.

This journey mirrors ancient feminine initiation rites and goddess mythologies across cultures, where the divine feminine undergoes a descent, transformation, and triumphant ascent.

Sacred Practices Honouring the Inner Goddess

Traditional practices for awakening Kundalini often incorporate elements that honour the feminine principle:

Kundalini Yoga: These practices include movements that stimulate the feminine energy centres, particularly the lower three chakras connected to creation, sensation, and transformation.

Pranayama: Breath is universally associated with the feminine life force. Specific techniques like Womb Breathing direct awareness and energy to the sacral region, the seat of feminine creative power.

Meditation on Feminine Deities: Visualisation practices focusing on goddess forms such as Durga (protection), Lakshmi (abundance), Saraswati (knowledge), or Kali (transformation) align consciousness with specific aspects of Shakti.

Sacred Sound: Chanting of the feminine power syllable 'Aim' or mantras dedicated to various goddesses creates vibrational templates that awaken corresponding energies within.

Moon Practices: Aligning Kundalini practices with lunar cycles honours the feminine rhythms inherent in nature and amplifies receptivity to Shakti's awakening.

Experiences of the Rising Shakti

When the inner goddess awakens, her presence may manifest through distinctly feminine modes of experience:

  • Waves of energy rather than linear progressions

  • Intuitive knowing that transcends rational thought

  • Heightened sensitivity and empathic awareness

  • Cyclical rather than linear development

  • Spontaneous creative inspiration

  • Deep emotional processing and catharsis

  • Connection to collective wisdom and ancestral knowledge

  • Enhanced capacity for nurturing and healing others

These manifestations often reflect what many traditions consider feminine ways of knowing and being—intuitive, cyclical, relational, and embodied.

Honouring the Wisdom of Containment

Traditional wisdom surrounding Kundalini awakening emphasises proper preparation and container-building—a principle that honours the feminine understanding that powerful energies require proper vessels. Like gestation, which cannot be rushed, Kundalini development follows its own organic timing.

Some guidelines for respecting this process include:

  • Creating sacred space for practice (physical and energetic containers)

  • Developing emotional resilience before intensive practice

  • Strengthening the physical body as a worthy vessel

  • Cultivating relationships with supportive community

  • Honouring natural cycles and rhythms rather than forcing awakening

  • Working with experienced teachers who respect the feminine approach.

The Goddess in Contemporary Life

Today's renewed interest in Kundalini Shakti coincides with a global resurgence of feminine wisdom traditions. Many practitioners approach Kundalini awakening as a pathway to reclaiming aspects of the divine feminine that have been suppressed in dominant cultural paradigms.

This awakening can manifest in various aspects of contemporary life:

  • Reclaiming body sovereignty and embodied wisdom

  • Developing circular rather than hierarchical leadership models

  • Valuing intuitive and emotional intelligence alongside rational frameworks

  • Creating collaborative rather than competitive approaches to challenges

  • Honouring the wisdom of cycles, including necessary periods of rest

  • Championing regenerative rather than extractive relationships with the Earth

The Universal Feminine Principle

While Kundalini Shakti originates within Hindu traditions, the divine feminine force she represents finds parallels across world spiritualities:

  • The Shekinah of Jewish mysticism

  • Sophia in Gnostic Christianity

  • The Holy Spirit in esoteric Christian traditions

  • Sekhem in ancient Egyptian practices

  • Chi in Chinese Taoist internal alchemy, particularly its yin aspect

These cross-cultural connections suggest a universal recognition of an indwelling feminine spiritual power that can be awakened through dedicated practice.

Conclusion: Awakening the Goddess Consciousness

The journey of Kundalini Shakti represents perhaps the most profound encounter possible with the divine feminine principle. As this energy awakens and rises, it offers not merely individual transformation but a profound rebalancing of consciousness—bringing forward feminine qualities of interconnection, intuitive wisdom, cyclical awareness, and creative power that are essential for personal and planetary healing.

In a world long dominated by masculine modes of perception and organisation, the awakening of Kundalini Shakti offers a return to balance—not replacing one imbalance with another, but integrating the sacred masculine and feminine into wholeness. Through this integration, we may access the complete spectrum of human potential and the profound wisdom that emerges when the goddess within is fully honoured and expressed.


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